What is A4 size in pixels?

There’s no single answer to the question, “What is the A4 size in pixels?” The pixel dimensions depend entirely on the PPI (pixels per inch) or DPI (dots per inch) you use. A higher DPI means more pixels are needed to represent the A4 size, resulting in a sharper image. Conversely, using fewer pixels will produce a less sharp design.

A standard setting for printing is often 300 DPI, as it usually provides a nice and sharp print at A4 size. However, to be absolutely sure about how many pixels your A4 design should have, it’s best to check with your printer to confirm their preferred DPI setting. Once you have that value, you can accurately calculate the required pixel dimensions for your A4 artwork.

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How many pixels is an A4 size?

It’s not possible to provide a standard pixel dimension for A4 paper, as it depends on the PPI (pixels per inch) or DPI (dots per inch) you’re using. The higher the PPI/DPI, the more pixels the file contains, and consequently, the sharper the printed output will be.


A4 size pixels

Once you know the required DPI for your printed materials, you can use the table below to determine the correct pixel dimensions for your A4 paper size. You can then enter these dimensions into your editing software, such as Photoshop.

Paper size table with the number of dots per inch

Size 72 PPI/DPI 96 PPI/DPI 150 PPI/DPI
4A0 4768 x 6741 6357 x 8988 9933 x 14043
2A0 3370 x 4768 4494 x 6357 7022 x 9933
A0 2384 x 3370 3179 x 4494 4967 x 7022
A1 1684 x 2384 2245 x 3179 3508 x 4967
A2 1191 x 1684 1587 x 2245 2480 x 3508
A3 842 x 1191 1123 x 1587 1754 x 2480
A4 595 x 842 794 x 1123 1240 x 1754
A5 420 x 595 559 x 794 874 x 1240
A6 298 x 420 397 x 559 620 x 874
A7 210 x 298 280 x 397 437 x 620
A8 147 x 210 197 x 280 307 x 437
A9 105 x 147 140 x 197 219 x 307
A10 74 x 105 98 x 140 154 x 219
Size 300 PPI/DPI 600 PPI/DPI 720 PPI/DPI
4A0 19866 x 28087 39732 x 56173 47678 x 67408
2A0 14043 x 19866 28087 x 39732 33704 x 47678
A0 9933 x 14043 19866 x 28087 23839 x 33704
A1 7016 x 9933 14032 x 19866 16838 x 23839
A2 4961 x 7016 9921 x 14032 11905 x 16838
A3 3508 x 4961 7016 x 9921 8419 x 11905
A4 2480 x 3508 4961 x 7016 5953 x 8419
A5 1748 x 2480 3496 x 4961 4195 x 5953
A6 1240 x 1748 2480 x 3496 2976 x 4195
A7 874 x 1240 1748 x 2480 2097 x 2976
A8 614 x 874 1228 x 1748 1474 x 2097
A9 437 x 614 874 x 1228 1049 x 1474
A10 307 x 437 614 x 874 737 x 1049
Size 1200 PPI/DPI 1440 PPI/DPI 2400 PPI/DPI
4A0 79464 x 112346 95357 x 134816 158928 x 224693
2A0 56173 x 79464 67408 x 95357 112346 x 158928
A0 39732 x 56173 47678 x 67408 79464 x 112346
A1 28063 x 39732 33676 x 47678 56126 x 79464
A2 19842 x 28063 23810 x 33676 39684 x 56126
A3 14032 x 19842 16838 x 23810 28063 x 39684
A4 9922 x 14032 11906 x 16838 19843 x 28063
A5 6992 x 9922 8391 x 11906 13985 x 19843
A6 4961 x 6992 5953 x 8391 9922 x 13985
A7 3496 x 4961 4195 x 5953 6991 x 9922
A8 2456 x 3496 2948 x 4195 4913 x 6991
A9 1748 x 2456 2098 x 2948 3497 x 4913
A10 1229 x 1748 1475 x 2098 2458 x 3497
Size 2880 PPI/DPI
4A0 190714 x 269631
2A0 134816 x 190714
A0 95357 x 134816
A1 67352 x 95357
A2 47621 x 67352
A3 33676 x 47621
A4 23812 x 33676
A5 16782 x 23812
A6 11906 x 16782
A7 8389 x 11906
A8 5895 x 8389
A9 4196 x 5895
A10 2949 x 4196

Good to know: the difference between DPI and PPI

We’ve mentioned DPI and PPI, which are both used to describe image resolution. But what exactly do they mean, and what are the key differences?

  • DPI (dots per inch): Refers to the number of printed dots of ink per square inch that a printer uses when reproducing an image.
  • PPI (pixels per inch): Refers to the number of pixels per inch that a computer screen, digital camera, or scanner uses to display an image.
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